Which Fruit Is Good For Diabetics?

Top 10 Fruits to Control Blood Sugar Level Naturally At Home

Fruits are generally high on GI but level on GI is not the only criteria to decide what to eat and what to avoid. Some fruits have nutrients and dietary fibre which makes them a good choice for a diabetic to eat even if these are pretty high on GI.

food for diabetes

Fruits that come with vital nutrition are allowed to eat for a diabetic even if moderately high on GI. These are sources of vitamins needed to metabolize essential minerals that help in relieving symptoms of diabetes and keeping energy and vitality higher.

Here is a list of top 10 fruits to control blood sugar level that maintains energy and suppress untimely hunger effectively.
  • Jamun is regarded as diabetes Ayurvedic remedies. The entire plant of Jamun is anti-diabetic starting from fruit to leaves. It is seasonal fruit but its seed powder can be preserved in a glass container to use throughout the year. This fruit is recommended to bring down blood sugar quickly and its regular use reduces sugar level by improving insulin release.
  • Berries of all types are good fruits to control blood sugar at home. These are high on vitamins and dietary fibre and low on GI. Eating berries helps in curbing untimely hunger without adding extra sugar to blood. These metabolize essential minerals like calcium and keep energy and endurance higher. Along with yoghurt berries work as good breakfast options to keep hunger at bay and maintain energy and stamina upbeat.
  • Pears are high in fibre and low on the GI scale. These are one of the top 10 fruits to control blood sugar level. Eating pears with meals lower risk of sugar level peaking after meals. This fruit is good for diabetes patient and also improve the texture and taste of food. The most popular way of using this fruit is by adding it to a platter of spinach salad along with meals.
  • Kiwis are high on vitamin C. This fruit is good for diabetes patient too and is available throughout the year. Along with vitamin C, this is a source of potassium and fibre as well and supplements fewer calories and carbs. It is recommended as part of a diabetes-friendly diet but is one of the fruits should diabetics avoid if suffering from diabetes nephropathy due to high potassium content.
  • Citrus fruits particularly oranges and grapefruit are good choices like a diet to control blood sugar level at home. These fruits cannot be included in the diet to bring down blood sugar level quickly but due to high vitamin C content, these are beneficial for a diabetic in many ways. Firstly due to low GI and carb content, these are safe and do not add extra sugar to blood. These pass untimely hunger and are sources of instant energy for a diabetic. The high vitamin C content suppresses side effects of diabetes and protects health and vitality.
  • Apricots are regarded as one of the best fruits to reduce blood sugar level and protect organs from side effects. This fruit is a good source of vitamin A and possesses very less carb content. Vitamin A is excellent to keep vision sharp and protect eyes from damaging effects of high blood sugar. Four pieces of apricots provide one serving of the day and chunk of vitamin A body needs. These are amongst the top 10 fruits to control blood sugar level.
  • Starfruit is high on vitamins particularly vitamin C and is recommended to diabetics to maintain healthy blood sugar level. This is one of the fruits should diabetics avoid if they are suffering from renal problems. People along with diabetes facing bladder issues or kidney problems shall avoid starfruit to maintain a healthy blood sugar level.
  • Guava is helpful for a diabetic is quite a few ways. Firstly it is high on dietary fibre hence keeps hunger satiated for a longer period. It improves digestion and cures constipation which is one of the major problems of people suffering from high blood sugar. This fruit is excellent to control the blood sugar level at home due to high vitamin A and C content.
  • Apples are nutritious and not very low on GI but still, these are recommended as fruits good for diabetics. One apple a day does not add sugar to blood in alarming levels but it supplements a decent amount of pectin, antioxidants and healthy fats. The positive impact of Apple improves the immune system, lowers cholesterol level and cleanses the digestive system. The positive effects of apples make it a good choice to eat in a diabetes meal plan.
  • Peaches are rich sources of potassium, fibre and vitamin A and C. these are low on GI and carb hence quality fruits for a meal plan to maintain healthy blood sugar.
fruits to cure sugar

Herbal Treatment for Diabetes

Along with these fruits and healthy lifestyle use of Diabgon capsules provide exceptional results and maintain a healthy blood sugar level naturally.

These pills also relieve side effects like low energy, fatigue, frequent urination and dry mouth, untimely hunger etc. and make the life of a diabetic smooth.

These supplements are safe and do not cause any dependency. These protect vital organs of the body and nervous system which is at high risk due to high blood sugar.

Due to herbal nature, these do not contradict with any on-going treatment and are safe for a person of any age.


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