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Top 10 Home Remedies To Manage Type 2 Diabetes Naturally

These home remedies to manage diabetes are harmless as these involve food items which are hypoglycemic in natural and naturally reduce blood sugar level. 

type 2 diabetes treatment

Here is a list of top 10 home remedies to manage type 2 diabetes which men and women of any age can employ to gain relief and protect health from damaging effects of high blood glucose levels.

  • Basil leaves have been used since ancient times to handle high blood sugar level. Basil leaves supplement antioxidants and compounds that keep cells healthy and functional which improve insulin activity. The juice of basil leaves is also beneficial for managing diabetes naturally. Higher insulin activity promoted by basil leaves improve sugar metabolism and work as one of the efficient home remedies for diabetes
  • Bitter gourd release charanthin. This is a type of chemical that improves insulin release. It possesses properties to stimulate pancreatic functions to control high blood sugar levels efficiently. Regular consumption of bitter gourd not only works as an effective remedy to manage type 2 diabetes naturally but also to prevent it from occurring. 
  • Fenugreek seeds are regarded as super-foods for diabetics. These seeds can handle type 1 and type 2 diabetes equally efficiently. Fenugreek seeds contain dietary fibre that slows down the absorption of sugar and also improves cellular functions to absorb blood sugar for energy production. Fenugreek seeds provide the best natural remedy for diabetes. 
  • Indian lilac or Neem is one of the oldest remedies for diabetes. The leaves which are bitter in taste contain compounds that improve insulin activities and metabolize blood sugar. The leaves can be chewed and swallowed or can be boiled with water. These can be used even in dried form for good effects. Neem leaves are immunity enhancers too and reliable ways to lower blood sugar levels naturally
  • Include black plum in regular diet to get a dose of antioxidants that control type 1 as well as type 2 diabetes. Like black plum adding cinnamon to regular diet also helps in regulating insulin release and managing diabetes naturally. These are trusted ways to lower blood sugar levels naturally and prevent sugar levels from peaking. 
  • Concoction obtained after boiling mango leaves is another trusted remedy to manage type 2 diabetes naturally. To make this remedy work take 15 mango leaves and boil with a sufficient amount of water for 15-20 minutes. Later strain and discard leaves and drink water when it becomes normal in temperature. Consume this water at least once in a day to manage type 2 diabetes naturally. 
  • Indian gooseberry or Amla is the richest source of vitamin C on the planet. Vitamin C is one of the most powerful antioxidants. You can use Amla powder or eat fresh Amla fruit to manage diabetes naturally. Consumption of Amla in the regular diet is the best natural remedy for diabetes which is curative as well as preventive. It also relieves symptoms and protects health from the side effects of diabetes. 
  • Curry leaves and Aloe Vera gel are other natural agents which provide reliable home remedies to manage diabetes. You drink a glass of Aloe Vera juice once in a day to keep liver healthy and improve insulin activity. Curry leaves to improve insulin release and its functions to lower existing blood sugar level and prevent it from peaking. 
  • Cloves are ancient remedies to control high blood sugar levels. These are known for their properties that manage insulin resistance in the body. Like cloves, green tea is a trusted remedy to prevent sugar level from going up in the blood. These two are amongst top 10 home remedies to manage type 2 diabetes. 
  • Eat one ripe guava in the day. This fruit is digestive and treats constipation which is one of the major side effects of high blood sugar. This fruit comes with dietary fiber and vitamin C. Both these nutrients are excellent for a diabetic. Guava supplements soluble fibre which is better than insoluble fibre to manage blood sugar. This is another one of the top 10 home remedies to manage type 2 diabetes. 
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Best Natural Diabetes Support Supplements 

Along with these home remedies use of Diabkil capsules provides complete relief from the problem.

These supplements come with herbs that lower existing sugar and improve pancreatic functions.

These improve the quality and quantity of insulin to manage type 1 and also type 2 diabetes.

Some of the herbs in these pills improve digestive system, regulate bowel movements and improve the immunity system.

The herbal ingredients of these pills also keep arteries clear, lower cholesterol, inhibit plaque deposition and enhance clot mechanism.

Diabkil capsules protect nerves and vulnerable organs from high blood sugar.

These pills slow down sugar absorption and supplementation and keep sugar level after meals under control.

These improve heart and energy production and arrest progression of disorder naturally.

Use of Diabkil capsules allows a person to lead a normal life despite diabetes.


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